May 28, 2010

Those boys can play!

I have three brothers.  Three amazingly intelligent, incredibly gifted, and supremely artistic brothers whom I love and don't get to see enough.  They're great.  They have names that start with the letter "B" and sometimes they have facial hair, but sometimes they don't.  

My brothers play music like it's in extension of living.  They have to make music.  At night, in the morning, on the weekends, in the car, at the dinner table, they make music.  And it is beautiful.  

I have never been able to maintain the patience it takes to play a musical instrument.  They all taught themselves to play guitar, drums, keyboard, bass, ukulele, synth, you name it, they probably have had a hand at trying to play it.  I guess, as a dancer, I use my body as an instrument...but we all know that's not really the same as actually playing an instrument. 

Here are the brothers:
  Brother Eldest, Ben
 Brother Middlest, Bryan
 Brother Youngest, BJay (who will only be seen wearing black suites in honor of Johnny Cash)

All the brother's bands are great, and you dear blog reader, faithful follower and enjoyer of our earth saving marriage, should listen to and love their music, just like Hubs and I do!
Check out the following:
Brother Eldest Main Project
Brother Eldest Second Project, these guys tour the STL!
Brother Middlest Project, touring this summer! 
Brother Middlest Other Band, he's so prolific 
Youngest Brother... 
Okay, youngest brother is still in school, bummer, but SOON he'll be making waves on the music scene, once the days of cafeteria french fries are over. 

Rock on Brothers Thrice.  Rock on.

~the wifey

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your brothers look totally awesome! I bet they are really cool dudes in real life!
