May 25, 2010

Someday We'll Have Kids - Reason #189

I was made aware this past weekend that in children's brains lay all of the secrets to earth's mysteries. However, it must be so that somewhere between 3 year old innocence and 13 year old puberty, those secrets are turned to mush, thus rendering them useless to society. This is why I chalk up another reason to have a get to that little guy or girl early on before all of that knowledge gets sucked away. Short version...children know how to save the world. They just don't know that they know and adults think they're just being darling but also dumb, so we pay no mind. I'm going to start taking these kids seriously...really listening to the knowledge they have to share.
     We took our nephew Lukas to the Magic House this past weekend...and that is when I realized that this kid and many others hold the key to the universe. He fell in love with the recycling exhibit (for some reason...I for one thought it was booooooring). There's a little game there that teaches kids how to recycle things...put the metal stuff in the right spot, plastic in the right spot, etc. That's when the kid has the audacity to start putting produce (fake produce) into the recycling bins, all the while exclaiming, "We don't need cabbage! We don't need lettuce!! We don't need tomatoes!!!" Whoa. Genius. Why in the name of burger meat haven't we thought of this sooner? We've been recycling the wrong things! Why CAN'T we 'recycle' our veggies into something else, say...pie??! Put in a celery stalk...out comes a rack of lamb. Don't want that eggplant? Give me that, now it's a chocolate mousse. The kid's right, recycle that crap! Down with the vegetables! Viva de revolution!

-the Hubs


  1. "wifey" did tell me today to "eat more donuts!"

  2. You guys would have such cute kids!! Time to start making babies!!
