May 18, 2010

David Bowie Does It Again

(There were so many great pictures of David Bowie as the Goblin King, it was very difficult to choose only one.)

When you marry someone there's this cosmic connection that happens.  You start to say the same thing, accidently coordinate your clothes, and every once and a while even stranger things happen.

Like this:

Two nights ago, Hubs and I are relaxing at the apartment, just lounging and reading and such.  I get up to brush my teeth.  Mouth full of toothbrush I yell to Hubs who is in the bedroom, "Hey!  Do you want to watch Labyrinth?"  To which he proclaims, "Holy #$%&!!!"  (seriously, he did..and he never, ever curses)  Into the bathroom runs Hubs.  "I was JUST thinking that!!," he shouts. 

So, we watched the Labyrinth in bed. 

That's marriage for ya.

~The Wifey

PS: Believe it or not, The Labyrinth holds a special place in our hearts. It was while watching this movie three years ago (ish) that I made my initial moves on Janele. David Bowie and his tight pants inspired me to love.

- the Hubs

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