May 28, 2010

What Dreams May Come

Before I married Hubs, I never woke up angry at someone from a dream I'd had.  I heard of people who had experienced this phenomenon, but I was never one of them.  

Until now.

Last night was not the first of married dreams involving me and the hubs, that had me waking up deeply annoyed or resentful, but last night was a set of very vivid ones that I thought I could share here for everyone's enjoyment.  

Let's call these dreams, My Hunky Hubs.  

Hunky Hubs Dream #1:  Steve is playing a live concert on SNL!  How exciting!  Except for the fact that he's doing an acoustic duet with Uncle Kracker (gross).  He had to wear a disguise too; bushy Amish beard (think Bearded Boy), and dark Emo glasses, the disguise was hiding the fact that as a worship leader he couldn't be seen playing a performance not related to God.  
(Okay, all of that is pretty run of the mill dream land, this next part is why wifey got a little angry in her sleep.)
Women were throwing their panties at my hubs!!!  YES.  Lots of them.  

I was livid, dream livid and then real life livid when I woke up around five...this was before the shouting match in our awesome back alley.

Hunky Hubs Dream #2:  We were at a Christmas party in our neighborhood, and everytime I looked for hubs, he was surrounded by women!  They were flirting with him and touching him and laughing at him.  Angry sleeping wifey take two!

Now, I have to say, that in all of this dream land debauchery, never once did my hubs do anything to reciprocate these hussies advances.  So, even in dream land he's my faithful Love.
: )

When I woke up to say 'bye' this morning, I needed to get a good hug and some reassurance about all this crazy dreaming.  I told Hubs about all the women who were throwing themselves at him all night, to which he replied, "It's because I'm so hunky."  


~the Wifey

My Hunky Hubs, doing what he does best, hunking things up!  Take that Botanical Gardens, the Hunk is in the HOUSE!