May 6, 2010

Seriously, just for a minute...

Earlier in the day, while plugging away at my job, I was suddenly overwhelmed. Not by stress, not by frustration or anything else that you would associate with work or ‘the grind,’ but rather with love. Love? At work? I know, I was taken by surprise too.

My headphones were in, pumping ‘Punch Brothers’ into my ears, when the overwhelming happened. For those of you that haven’t heard this band, do so immediately. Comprised of mandolin and composing genius Chris Thile (of Nickel Creek fame) and a few of his musician friends, the blend of modern bluegrass and classical styling always just floods me with joy…music was meant to be this gorgeous. Anyhoo, while working and listening, the wonderfulness of my life right now was spread out before me. There are times when everything at once comes into perspective, and this was one of those times. Here I am, working at a job that I’ve been so blessed with having, listening to beautiful music, and thinking all the while about how at the end of the day I get to go home and be greeted by an amazing woman, who is always excited to see me. I am still, 7 months after wedding, overwhelmed with the fact that I will be with this woman that loves me and cares for me for the rest of my life. There’s been things, mainly in my youth (teenage years can be a beast), that have led to some people insecurities in me…friends leaving me behind, people just up and deciding that they just don’t want to be friends anymore, things like that. God has done a miraculous work in healing those areas of my life, but still there is those times that my human nature wells up and brings some of those insecurities right back. That was happening this morning, but like clockwork, my Father is there to remind me that I have a person in my life right now that is devoted and faithful to me. A beautiful woman that trusts me, thinks I’m great, and that I equally feel the same way towards. It blows me away every time I think about it that for years to come I will open the door to our home after a long day and be greeted by a bright, shining, loving face…each and every day…until the day we die.

Thank you Lord for the years and years to come of hard work, music, art, love, and a compassionate caring wife that I can always come home to…and that will always greet me with a smile and a hug.

- the Hubs

Isn't it fun to know God works through the relationships we have in life, not just on us as individuals?  He's a pretty awesome Father!
-the wifey

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