June 10, 2010


We have been a busy married duo.  Two weeks of exciting things have happened!!!  So, I think it's best to pace ourselves and give a little bit at a time.  Don't want to overwhelm in one big post, right? 

Here's something I've been meaning to blog since May 26th.

On May 26th, Hubs and I celebrated eight months of marital bliss and blessings.  Praise the Lord!  He is good! 

AND the coolest things happened!  We got a double rainbow for our 'anniversary'!!! 

(picture courtesy of Nikki W. from Steve's work)

Why is this so exciting?  Well, on our wedding day waaaaaaaaaay back in September, we were given a double rainbow blessing, so now they're something extra special to the hubs and I. Check ours out!

There are more blessing moments to share, so stay tuned for updates!
~the Wifey

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