May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday Sister!!!

This post is going to have nothing to do with marriage at all...instead it's a giant shout out to one of the coolest people we know..............JONATHON TAYLOR THOMAS!!!

Ok, not really...and no, we don't really know JTT (as Janele refers to him). This post is a giant shout out to the one and only...JESSIE OROS!!! (SOON TO BE STAROBA!)

She's pretty cool, huh?? Look how she plays that guitar! And look how she sits on porch swings! And wears red pants!! Awwwwwwwesome!!!
Well, tomorrow is Jessie's birthday...she's turning 24!!! Man, where has the time gone, eh sis?? To celebrate...we got you a gift. A HUSBAND!!! You may think he's pretty he looks a little like Jesus. You can marry him in 16 days...not any sooner. Here you go:

See?? And he comes with some wierd kid too!! YAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

-the Hubs


  1. Awww! I'm pretty sure I saw that "weird kid" at the Sci Center this week... I didn't know who he was with so I didn't say anything. Besides, I'm pretty sure I freaked him out by blowing something up during my demonstration. It's just what I do.

    Best wishes to Jessie! How exciting for her!

    -Sarah S.

  2. I had a JTT wall in my childhood bedroom.

  3. Jazzy Jess and the Fresh RobiesMay 24, 2010 at 7:34 PM

    I love you... thanks for loving me. :)
