April 25, 2010

Someday We'll Have Kids - Reason #65

So, come to find out, when you have kids you are immediately granted the right to scream across the room/lobby/county at your kids or anyone else for that matter whenever you want and in any public place. That is so freakin' sweet, kids get you so many perks!
What's that you say? Come again? You say that it's still not acceptable even with kids to yell a lot in public? Oh...my bad. In that case, does someone have the number for lady at hotel breakfast buffet in O'Fallon, MO so I can let her know that she had the rules all wrong? I'd hate for other childless souls to get the wrong impression and want kids for all the wrong reasons. BURN!

61853-8503.gif (320×240)
Sadly, not really a picture of the culprit...but it's close. 

- the Hubs

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the compliments - and I love your humor. Please keep going with the "someday we'll have kids" series!
