April 23, 2010

Dinner with the Bearded Boy: A Preview

Shing! Shing! "I...am...Wolverine. With recyclable plastic knife blades."

     My brother (Janele's bro-in-law) Chase, aka 'Bearded Boy' is...talented. Photography, design, writing...making quesadillas and Napkin Wrapped Hot Dogs **copyright Chase Oros 2010**  ...the kid is a modern renaissance man. Hm, maybe not 'renaissance man,' but in the art world...let's just say he's got what it takes to go big. No 18 year old should have this much talent oozing from their pores, but he does, and he's not afraid to use it. Now, let me just say too that Bearded Boy is crazy...but in a good way, not like a 'axe murderer' type of crazy, but like a creative 'I'm going to go all crazy on this design I'm doing' sort of way. It's great and also exciting in a world of so much boring design.
     Bearded Boy has grown up really quickly...and to be honest, it's caught me off-guard. I haven't been there with him a whole lot during his growing up, what with the age difference and all...and we've never really had anything in common. I regret some of that, but am also excited about who he is today and the opportunity to encouage him in what he does right now.
     Janele and I have felt from the beginning of our relationship that we would always be inviting people into our home to share a meal, laugh, talk...basically just building community. So with that in mind and in an effort for Janele and I to connect with the dude a little more (and get him out of the parent's house every now and then), we've decided to start up a little something called 'Dinner With the Bearded Boy.' The rules are simple...we come up with a 'theme' for the dinner, I give BB a question or story 'spark' along the lines of the theme, and he will answer that question in whatever creative form he wants...be it photography, video, cartoons...whatever. He'll show us what he came up with at the dinner, he'll photograph some highlights of the meal,  and then we'll post it all on this here blog.
     We're really looking forward to what he comes up with...we're going to let him be as whack as possible. Equally, we're looking forward to the chance to build more relationship with the brother that has grown up way too quick.
     SO, in preperation for next week's dinner, which we have themed as Mexican night, here is his first question:

'How did that pesky habanero start the Mexican revolution?'

Stay tuned late next week for the first installment. Happy Friday!

- the Hubs

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear and see some of the results of "dinner with the bearded boy". yeehaa!!!
