April 22, 2010

Nintendo power and the Mario virus...

We done gone straight back to the 80's ya'll!!!
Maybe it was the totally rad '80s night at our small group last month. Maybe it's the fact that I'm nearing 30 and though not really freaking out about it, am still extremely reminiscent of the days of old. Then again, maybe it's that dream I had the other night...one of the craziest dreams ever in which my family and I travelled back to 1984 (no joke, freakin' WEIRD). Whatever the case, we're bringin' it back to the good old days in the Oros house, courtesy of a good friend of ours who graciously gave us his childhood NES (Nintendo Entertainment System for those that were not alive in the '80s). We were so excited...a little too excited? No, I don't think so...and stop judging us. 
In an act of complete '80s hysteria, I promptly ordered a few classic NES games...Mario 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles, and Solstice (I don't know why I love this game, it's completely boring, but I can't stop). I couldn't wait...my muscle memory reached into its archives and made me act like a giant 9 year old. Every day checking the mail...and every day being disappointed. The games took awhile getting here (almost 10 days...what???) but upon arrival the wifey and I were immediately jetisoned waaaaay back to our roots. We started doing things out of '80s instinct, it was crazy. The whole 'blow in the cartridge' trick (which by the way still doesn't fail after all these years), the moving of the controller while pressing buttons (what? throwing the controller at the TV doesn't make Mario grow??), and my personal favorite, Janele reverting back to the time when she would never actually play the games, but rather just cheer on her brothers in their attempt to save the princess. That's right, Janele has started cheering me on in my Mario 3 playing...wow, now THAT'S a wife.
Are we complete nerds? Yes, most likely we are, but who the heck cares?? The only danger I see coming from this is the always looming fact that I am extremely competitive. Case in point...playing two player Mario the other night was, well, let's just say that I got a little carried away in my trying to distract Janele on her turns. Just calm down, Hubs...just calm down.

PS: How in God's name do I get through the castle on world 8??? I'm going to scream. Dorky-hubs OUT!

- the Hubs


  1. Steve- you make a pretty great Mario-Man... And this is generally the best blog ever. Second to mine, of course.

  2. You weren't a nerd until you put your face on Mario... :)
