May 12, 2010

Dinner with the Bearded Boy #2 - Preview

We think Bearded Boy is pretty neat, so I guess we'll have him back in a couple of weeks for another edition of 'Dinner with the Bearded Boy.' His first video was a smash hit...people from all across the county are sort of talking about it. We know of at LEAST one family that is already quoting Habanero. If people aren't talking about it, well they should be...or the least they could do is think about it now and then. Due to this critical acclaim and big box office dollar of that first film, we're excited to see what he's got next for us. I know in the Bearded Boy dinner post from last week I said Italian would be the next theme...well I lied, we've changed our course. The next theme will be straight from the Land of Smiles...Thailand! It's Thai food folks...which also means that Janele and I are going to try and redeem ourselves and attempt Pad Thai again (we failed pretty bad at it awhile back, but have learned lessons that should improve our chances greatly). Additionally, there will probably be other Thai delicacies as we just love their food so much. You can't just have one dish!!! :) SO...Beard's question for next time, which he will creatively answer:

"Who put the 'Pad' in 'Pad Thai'?"

Good luck, brother! Looking forward to another installment of greatness!!

- the Hubs

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