May 4, 2010

Dinner With the Bearded Boy - Habanero's Revenge!

     So, after a few cancellations due to some scheduling conflicts, the bro finally came for some dinner and a 'movie' (more on that in a bit). See? There he is! Right below here! He came! Look how much freakin' fun we're having!
Pretty sweet camera skills, wifey. How did you have time to take pictures while you were breaking  playing with Beard's nifty new iPad??
     So...Mexican night, how about some enchiladas??? Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh...these babies were stuffed with ground turkey (because we try to be healthy), diced potatoes, and spinach...all blended with a delicate blend of herbs and spices. Wrapped in whole wheat tortillas and topped with HOMEMADE enchilada sauce and sharp cheddar. Baked to a golden brown goodness and served with love. (how about that menu description, eh?) 
      We had a great time cooking and laughing in the kitchen. Janele danced (as she does best), Chase acted really wierd (as he does best), and I made a complete mess (as I do best). The enchiladas were a hit...that sauce was kickin.' It was nice to sit down with just Chase, we don't get the opportunity to talk to just one member of our family at a it's refreshing when a time like this can be had. It's going to be a busy month or so coming up (sis getting married!!) so this couldn't have come at a better time. 
     Alright, enough about dinner. More than dinner, these events are all about letting BB stretch his creative legs...and this first go around he certainly did 'stretch.' The challenge this week was for Beard to answer the question, "How did that pesky habanero start the revolution?" Well, he answered that question...with a short film! So, without further ado:

     Habenero Starts the Revolution from Steve Oros on Vimeo.
     Man, I was crying laughing...'do' hahaha, classic. Well done, Bearded Boy. I'm proud of my brother. Like I said before it was great having him over to hang out, to talk, to be friends as well as brothers. As we watched this highly creative short film, I was filled with pride for my brother. He's so stinkin' talented, it's amazing and I for one am SO excited for what he comes up with next. For years to come. 

NEXT DINNER: Italian!! See you then. 

- the Hubs


  1. Wow...The music at the end had Eli boppin' and a dancin'- kind of a strange response to such a 'heavy topic.' Go Bro!

  2. okay bearded boy ..... I thoroughly enjoyed your video, it was both fun and educational!
    I look forward to seeing the next project.
    As for this one I give it TWO (2) enthusiastic thumbs up!!!!!!
