February 3, 2011

Exclusive Interview!

My Hubs is a weather man.  Weather makes him excited and curious.  He sees the work of God in weather.  I always know what to wear because I'm married to a weather man.  Today, we'll take a deeper look at this Weather Man, and talk about what keeps him up at night.

Wifey:  Tell us about your first memory of weather.
Hubs: Hmmmm, that's tough because weather has always been a part of my emotional psyche...it's hard to conjure up a 'memory' when the very thing you're supposed to 'remember' has been coarsing through your veins all along, from birth. If I have to, I guess I would say the 'Blizzard of '82.' I was 4 months old at the time...I remember laying in my crib, listening to the 'thunder snow' outside (that's incredibly heavy snow caused by enormous amounts of energy in the upper atmosphere...thus causing thunder and even lightning) and thinking, "Wow...I can't wait for my brain to fully develop so I can learn about what I'm hearing."

WifeyHow impressive!  So, once your brain fully developed, what steps did you take to learn about weather?
Hubs: You see, I'm a bit of a 'meteorology prodigy' (also the name of my forthcoming band) in that I am mostly self-taught. Just years and years of watching local news forecasts and staring at radar, really. My mind is like a low pressure system climbing out of the south, it picks up any droplet of knowledge it can and spews it on those eager to learn. [Or those simply within ear shot; wifey]

Wifey:  What were your feelings after this week's blown "blizzard warning?"  Any anger or frustration over the lack of snow we saw in the St. Louis metropolitan area?
Hubs: Eh...I can't believe you brought this up, but ok...I'll share. Let me just tell you something; to a weather man like myself, a 'blizzard warning' issued by the National Weather Service is basically my Super Bowl...it's really my time to shine. It's my time to let the tornadic passion that swirls inside of me come out...to share with the world the epic forecasts of history. But alas, it was too good to be true; that dastardly thin layer of warm air in the upper atmosphere just wouldn't let the snow be. I hung on with every inch of my weather loving life...peering out the window for signs of a energy explosion in the heavens, but all was lost. 3 inches of sleet...mounds of sadness. Was I bitter? No. Just disappointed, that's all. 

Wifey: Wow.  It seems that hit you pretty hard.  Sorry about that.  Any hopes for the rest of this winter?  Any predictions for the spring?
Hubs: Well, that stupid beaver saw his shadow, so I guess winter will be over soon...but everyone knows that badgers can't read radar. Four more weeks of winter...and two more storms. One significant. You just got weather served. 

Bam.  Consider yourselves warned, I guess.  Thanks to Weather Man Hubs for all his inspiring words. 


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