August 25, 2010

Someday We'll Have Kids - Reason #468

We saw this kid in the news Monday night, have you heard about him?

His name is Kieron about him here:

He paints...he paints pretty well...and because of those painting skills the kid is bringin' home the BACON to his parents! I mean...dang!

The little goober (who by the way is only 8 years old) turns out paintings like this:

Which is like...freakin' unbelievable.

But it also leads me to this...that people are paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for his paintings...because he is 8. Am I right? Yes...I am right. If a painting like this were hanging in a gallery, with a forty year old's signature on the bottom....would it make as much? I'm afraid not. People would look at it and hope the dude has a day job...'cause he ain't makin' money at painting. In fact, I do believe that if an adult painted this, it would be a part of one of those 'starving artist' sales...those fire sales in hotel lobbies where artists are just trying to sell their stuff to ANYONE who has spare change. The public, with money to spare, are buying this little guy's stuff because he's a little guy. And little guys shouldn't have skills like this. So the public is paying for the awe factor...not for the art itself. Maybe. Most of the time. But that's not important here.

What IS important is that with the right training and skills...your kids can make you some serious BANK! If they have even the slightest of adult skills...they should be selling those skills to the public, for sure. Is your 5 year old an amazing craftsman? Call Bob Villa...stat...there's a TV show waiting to happen. Say your toddler has an uncanny ability to count to 20 without using their fingers or toes...NASA needs them. Does your newborn cry on key? America's Got we come.

I'm just sayin'...if your kid's got it, flaunt it. The public will pay big money for kids doing adult things...and so just one more reason for having kids. Let it be known, if our kid(s) are not twirling batons or juggling fire rings by age 3, we may have to reconsider whether or not we keep them through college.

-the Hubs

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