August 9, 2010

Michigan. Sublime.

Hubs is back!  I'm so glad; he keeps things funny on here.  

Okay, first real MI experience for the wifey, and I can't say enough great things about it.  Beautiful weather, something St. Louis could learn a thing or two about, amazing views, rugged coasts, but soft sandy beaches.  Do I sound like their tourism department yet?  You know, your trip starts in Michigan...
Let's do a highlights reel.  Here goes:

1. The Beach!  Check it out-
Oh, and in the distance, see that big tan hill?  That's the dune we climbed.  Oh Dune.  How horribly deceptive you are.  You look so close, but you are so far away.  You look like such a gentle slope, but you had us on our hands and knees climbing to the top.  Dune is a liar.  There was a great sense of accomplishment in defeating the Dune.

2. Family fun times!  We enjoy one another.

3. Hubs and wifey times!  We were a pleasant drive away from many little beach towns.  Each one equipped with the best ice cream shop in the state...apparently.

Like Hubs said, I could go on and on explaining in great detail the soft breezes, the amazing sky full of stars, and the gentle lull of Michigan lake waves buffeting on the shore.  It would be better if you just went to experience it yourself, though.

The trip came to a well rounded finish in Chicago.  Our big city neighbors to the north....or something like that.
Vacation!  Indeed.

~the wifey

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