August 9, 2010

Michigan. Pure.

     Ahhhhh...the wifey and I are now rested, peaceful, and ready to act like normal people. We've returned from a lovely one week vacation in Northwestern was cool, crisp, and much needed. You may be saying, "Ummm...Northern Michigan?? What the heck is in Michigan? What do you do up there...isn't that where Detroit is? Are you in a GANG??!!" To that I would say...stop it right now, and look at where we were:

     There's about 450 more pictures where that came from, so I'll spare you the 'come over to my house and watch this hour and a half slide-show' experience. What I will do though is give you some highlights of our trip.
     One highlight for me is the rest stop on the way to the destination. That sounds really bizarre, I know, but hear me out. Rest stops are only stopped at on road trips, so to me a rest stop is exciting and means that I'm on vacation. For me, it's the starting point of a trip and the time when your brain says, "Rest stop??!! Are we going on VACATION!!!?? WHOO!" So...I get excited...

     But enough about the stupidly long drive up to about a dune climb?? Sleeping Bear dunes, a National Park, is a crazy high pile of sand. I didn't know sand can be piled that high...but God is powerful and He builds cool things. This is one of them. It's 500 feet...and as my trivia freak of a dad put it, is a 'traveling dune' meaning that it moves multiple feet each year. It will be miles inland in another 200-600 years!! CRAZY! So...what better way to enjoy a giant, traveling pile of sand than to get really stupid and climb that thing, right??

     To get a good idea of what you are looking at, check out those little dots at the top of the hill...those are people. Those people are 500 feet in the air...and you are looking up at about a 60 degree angle. There...that's better.

One really slow, really dumb hour later...we made it! The best part? All of the little jerk kids RUNNING up the hill by us...oh wait, no, that wasn't that great at all. Just wait 10 years kids...just wait.
Janele got so tired...she just feel asleep standing up. Smiling. Weird.

So...what to do after climbing the world's largest litter box? Go find giant pie...of course!!
    Yeah...that's right, the WORLD'S LARGEST. Good game Charlevoix! You did it! You sure know how to build...giant ovens! And...make...big pans? have...a large supply of butter. Ok...I'm done.

     There were more highlights of course...but I'm tired. So, I'll let wifey chime in. In summary favorite things: bathrooms by a highway, moving sand piles, and giant fruit pie. I'm easily satisfied.

-the Hubs

1 comment:

  1. We went to Michigan for our last vacation a few years ago---OK, it was eight years ago. Anywho, we came back with some of the same pictures, including the one behind the "Warning: Steep Bluff" sign--except it was Nathina behind the sign and not Stanelle. I'm shocked and appalled, however, that we somehow missed the world's largest cherry pie. Time for another trip to Michigan.
