April 16, 2010

Why blog? Why now?

Photo courtesy Purple Lemon Photography. www.purplelemonphotography.com 

So, seeing as though this is our first post and all, I say we start this mother out right. Let's play a little something I like to call...'Let's Learn More About Why We're Blogging.' Janele, you ask me a question about this blog, then I'll give you an answer. Ready? Go. ***

Janele: Why are we doing this? I'm a little nervous...this could really be a major 'fail.'
Steve: Dr. Assumptions, settle down...we'll be fine. We have a good time, don't we? So, we're just going to share those good times with whoever cares to read about them!

Janele: What does that mean? Is our blog going to be boring?
Steve: Uhhhh...errrrrr...are WE boring? Don't answer that. Heck no it won't be boring! Look, even in the 6 short months that we've been married, we've experienced so much joy and laughs...so why not share that with others?? Marriage is hard, yes, but it should also be fun...

Janele: I heard that our brother (Chase) might be in on this every once in awhile...is that true? Man, that kid is weird...
Steve: Those rumors are correct. The 'Bearded Boy' will join us every now and then for some blogging good times. That kid's got some creatively crazy things going on in his head...we're going to let him get some of that stuff out.

Janele: Hmmmmm, this is sounding good. So, are we just going to write about what we do together? Because...that could get old. People can only hear so many stories about microwave popcorn and 'movie nights.'
Steve: We'll write about that, yeah, but only when it's interesting. But oh...there will be so much more. Restaurants we like, things we realize about our young marriage, funny stories. We'll also throw in some special pieces, such as a semi-regular post in which I DOMINATE you in some 'Minute to Win It' type competitions (I'm a little competitive). We'll have the afore-mentioned Bearded Boy Brother over for themed dinners every couple of weeks too and let him run wild with video, photographs...whatever he wants...to go along with the theme. We'll see how that goes. All in all...should be pretty sweet.

Janele: Man...I freakin' love you so much...you're like Mel Gibson in Bravheart. So strong with all that muscle and such...and brave...and good with swords...
Steve: Awww, dude...you're too sweet.

***Janele did not ask any of these questions. Steve asked them to himself, because he's a little dorky. I mean, Braveheart? Really?

1 comment:

  1. I like how I got to be the official start of your official blog. Nice. Sweet.
