April 29, 2010

My wife is nice. :)

She is a kind soul. I will attest to this by telling you that she was extremely kind on that last post (the king-sized bed). Little did she know, but I happened to log into our blog at the same time that she was writing that last post, saw that there was another post in 'draft,' and was curious as to what she was writing??
My angel of a wife was GOING to write about my incredibly bad relationship with the morning time and how crappy I am when I wake up...for about the first hour of my day. But she didn't. She kept editing that bad boy...changing the title...changing the content (I was watching all of this in real-time basically) until it was wittled down to the cute little story that you currently see posted. She spared me. She didn't want to call me out. She's the greatest woman to ever exist in the history of earth...and she's married to me. Thank you, Lord.

- the Hubs

1 comment:

  1. generous wives are amazing. her kindness helps to make her among the very best of friends i will ever have.
