March 28, 2011

Meal Plan 3/28-4/1

The bounty of last season's Farmer's Market in Ferguson.  Only a few more weeks and it will be back!!!
Monday, 3/28:  Creamy Risotto with chicken, and green beans sauteed with black pepper and lemon

Tuesday, 3/29:  Home-made chicken pot pie (I roasted a chicken last week, and this will be the last of four meals that I got out of it...we'll be done with chicken for a while after this week)

Wednesday, 3/30:  Penne pasta tossed with garbanzo beans, tomatoes, and yellow and red peppers

Thursday, 3/31:  BBQ pork ribs with roasted sweet potato wedges and steamed broccoli

Friday, 4/1:  We are volunteering for the Erin Bode concert at Crave, it's gonna be leftovers or picking something up.

SATURDAY!!!  Hubs is making THIS!  We love Bon Appetempt as much as we love Bon Appetite : )

~The Wifey


First waking thought, 6:05am:   I wish Hubs could come back to bed.

Second thought:   Now, I am cold.

Third:  hmmm, I love the sound of trash pick up early in the morning...

Conclusion?  Today is Monday.  Have a good one everybody.

~The Wifey

March 22, 2011

Shark Attack!!!!!

SHARK ATTACK.  Pow.  (I am a nerd...self professed.)

Sometimes a Hubs will take a half-day off work; telling his boss, "I'll be leaving early today to go spend time with my wife."  

Then, on this beautiful spring-like Friday, sometimes a Hubs will take you to lunch at Osage Cafe

THEN, sometimes a Hubs will take you to the Zoo, because its fun and its fresh outside and smells like spring for the first time in a LOONG LOOOOOONG time.

We saw this ape.
Steve took this picture while he was walking...very talented.
We are happy and at the zoo. 
This is a big, slobbery camel....
Steve and this camel are not friends....ask him why, maybe he'll tell you the story.
~The Wifey 

March 10, 2011

Domesticity is...

Pretty cool.  Can I say 'pretty cool'?  Does that make me a little like Miley Cyrus?  Do you watch SNL?  Do you know what I'm talking about?...

Back to the relevant point.  In college, when I was super single and really into being an independent, fierce woman, I used to use the phrase, "I'd go domestic for _______(insert random whomever guy's name here)" to show the amount with which I admired whomever random guy I had a crush on at the time.  In other words, I had it in my head that it would take a pretty spectacular someone to make me want to cook, clean, and balance a check book all week long.

Enter Hubs:
Obviously, he's a pretty special guy...gosh, I just love him, sigh, blush, swooooooooon, be still my beating heart!

Since marrying my wonderful guy, I have, in fact, gone quite domestic.  No shame, no complaints.  In fact, I enjoy mopping the floor, going to two grocery stores to save money, and folding loads of laundry (that's a lie, I actually do not like to fold laundry, but I'll do it because I love my husband, and because I like my clothes to be non-wrinkled after spending hours washing them).

One thing I'm beginning to like the more I do it is cooking.  Before marriage, I had little interest in learning how to cook and little knowledge of making my own food.  Marriage gave me a great reason to start trying to cook, and I must say, it's been a fun journey.

The part that has become more difficult as the months and weeks go on is creating the ever needed, ever looming Weekly Meal Plan.  Dum Dum DUUUUUM!  To balance flavor, creativity, nutrition and staying in budget can be hard.  Some weeks are great!  It just comes to me a like a luminous gift from God.  Sometimes, like this week, I put it off until the very last minute because NOTHING sound good, nothing seems right, nothing seems fun.

Soooo, what's the answer?  I'm not sure, but I'm going to start posting my weekly meal plans in an effort to support the other wifeys out there who might need some inspiration or help every once in a while.  Maybe those same wifeys could post their own on our comments to help me out every once in a while : )  Yes?  Thanks.  Sounds good.

For March 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th:

Monday: we had dinner at the Oros parent's house, so I was able to skip a day ; )
Tuesday: Turkey burgers on sesame seed buns, oven baked sweet potato fries, spinach salad with feta, dried berries and candied almonds (Hubs made those almonds and they're almost TOO good)
Wednesday: Fussili pasta with garbanzo beans, diced tomatoes, & green beans tossed in olive oil and lime juice
Thursday:  Pork chops and broccoli with rice  (Hubs is making this meal, he usually makes dinner once or twice a week, and since he's making it I'll find out more of what it is once it's made.  He is super creative and thinks about how he's going to prepare the meal all day's going to be good whatever he does with it!)
Friday: Chicken wings, some hot some sweet, celery and carrot sticks, and Cabot's sharp cheddar cheese with crackers
Saturday:  Hungarian Dinner with the Fam!  I'm making Hungarian Lentil soup and peasant bread

UPDATE: And this is what I did with them there chops --
Pork Choooooops