September 24, 2010

Developments in the Oros Household

Change is afoot for this old married couple.  A little bit of change at least.
  • Recently our household acquired the Internet.  Yes, we are now proud users of the world wide web and can 'surf' to our hearts content in our pajamas. 
  • In two days we'll celebrate the big ONE YEAR mark.  This means the 'honeymoon' is officially over, and we have to start getting crabby.  I think that's how that all works, right?
  • Hubs is working on buying us an electric car.  He doesn't know it yet, but I think he'll be happy with this particular development.  
  • In October I will begin work on my dance concert (un)Bridled.  More to come on this later.
And the most vital and important development to note for you, faithful reader:
  • Hubs and Wifey will be working on rejuvenating our blog!  Due to our recent dive into the world of home based internet service, we plan to become blogging fools.   (we'll see how that goes over the next few months...)


1 comment:

  1. what a sigh of relief! I've been missing some ori-chucklings!
