June 18, 2010

Speaking of Music...

I would just like to say that I for one am extremely excited for what's ahead on the concert horizon. In the span of about 2 months, wifey and I will be seeing (hopefully) 3 of my most favorite bands (soon to be her favorite as well, she just hasn't 'seen the light' yet). Punch Brothers, Broken Social Scene, and Phoenix...again, all in the span of about 2 months. Oh...YES. A quick synopsis...we'll call this 'Hub's Summer/Fall Preview of Bands that He Really Hopes He Sees and Why He Likes Them':

Punch Brothers: I've mentioned them before in this blog. Chris Thile (of Nickel Creek fame) heads up this band of bluegrass genius. They are virtuostic (is that a word?) in everything they play. Compositionally, conceptually, and just plain playabilitally (definitely not a word), they are leaps and bounds above a lot of music being made out there. We'll be (hopefully) seeing them in Lawrence, KS come October...also doubling as a visit to our good friend Megan!

Broken Social Scene: These guys are from Canada, isn't that a good enough explanation? I mean, a TON of great stuff has come out of Canada. Hockey, mounties, Michael J. Fox (seriously, there would be no 'Back to the Future' without MJF, and a world without BTTF is a world that I don't want to be a part of), the list really goes on and on. Add to that list this band. They have about 600 members or something...ok, not really, but there's a lot of people that get credit in the liner notes for this group. Just awesomely creative rock. I love stuff with a beat, with a rhythm, with something that grabs you by the throat and doesnt' let go...and they do it beautifully. We will (hopefully) be going to see them in August at LouFest...along with some other groovy bands.

Phoenix: They're pretty popular by now so I probably don't have to say much, but let me just say that the first time I saw them (on Saturday Night Live), I was overcome with poop-yourself excitement. They are that good. ***This is a big 'wish' of a concert. Tickets are like $45 a pop...which means that we are not going most likely...unless someone out there in blog land is just really really really nice and really giving. Just saying. ***

So there it is...a potential summer of music lovin'. Here's to hoping it all works out and that my lovely and I will be basking in these musician's sweet sweet melodies.

What's everyone else looking forward to this summer? Eh?

- The Hubs

June 15, 2010

The CWE and Humans With Cat Heads...

     We love summer in St. Louis. We love the culture, the festivities, the food...it's just a great town to be in this time of the year (minus the holy hell hotness). With all of our St. Louis love in tow, we were excited this past weekend to go out and experience one of the town's many fine events, as we FINALLY had a free weekend. We decided on the CWE Art Fair and Taste. I'll admit, I'm a hit or miss fan of the Central West End...I think it depends on what time of the day I'm there, meaning that I prefer the daytime version better than the nighttime version.
     Our main reason for hitting up the fair was to see a great local band, The Northwoods...it's Simon and Garfunkle meets Nickel Creek with a dash of Cake (I say that because he played a Cake cover). This time around, The Northwoods consisted of just their front man, but he brought it. Armed with a loop pedal, the guy was a one man wrecking crew of beats. I was especially impressed because he was playing to a crowd of about 8 (as the fair had just opened at 11) and it was already butt crazy hot...but he handled it like a champ.
     Having seen what we really came for, I was satisfied, but you can't go to an art fair without looking at art...so off we went. And the art...was...ummm...I'm trying to say this nicely...it was not...that...good. Whew, there...was that ok? I'm not sure the reason for this, though it was later brought to my attention that this was not a juried event, so the competition factor was not there and it also seemed that they kind of just let anyone display their stuff as long as they had the fee paid. Cheap jewelry, paintings of hearts, many an oil painted landscape (like...total Bob Ross style)...it was all accounted for. Except..."Whoa, honey...what do you see in that tent over there? Are those pictures of humans doing random things, except instead of their usual human head, they have the head of a cat???" Oh...freak yes it is.
That would be Cleo'cat'ra, dancin' her way to the CWE. It was pretty much the greatest use of cat heads on human bodies that I had ever seen. But wait...there's more!!

Mr. Licks a Lot and Tootie Poopers, taking in a day at the Creepy Old Man Museum.

Oh...so pretty...so graceful...so...hold the phone, is that a 'Mona Kitty Lisa' in the background?? Scandalous.

And there's really nothing like heading to the beach with a giant cat helmet to watch the transluscent ships come in from sea.  

     I'm going to be honest here, at first sight on Saturday my immediate thought was to make fun of Catworks, but after reading some of the website, all I can do is give props. Big, furry, paw-shaped props. The 'artist' sticks with the story that he is merely the curator of this collection of early 20th century paintings. The claim is that these pieces were found in a basement or something in around 1902 and that the origin is unknown. The great thing is that he sticks to this claim in every aspect of the website, not once slipping out of this story. Smart play, Catworks Master...make crazy awesome pictures of freakish cat-head humans but take none of the credit while claiming they are from 100 years ago, thus negating any opportunity the paparazzi may have of capturing candid photos of these celebrity cats or their creator. Cat Master wins...Cat Master always wins.  

- the Hubs

June 10, 2010


We have been a busy married duo.  Two weeks of exciting things have happened!!!  So, I think it's best to pace ourselves and give a little bit at a time.  Don't want to overwhelm in one big post, right? 

Here's something I've been meaning to blog since May 26th.

On May 26th, Hubs and I celebrated eight months of marital bliss and blessings.  Praise the Lord!  He is good! 

AND the coolest things happened!  We got a double rainbow for our 'anniversary'!!! 

(picture courtesy of Nikki W. from Steve's work)

Why is this so exciting?  Well, on our wedding day waaaaaaaaaay back in September, we were given a double rainbow blessing, so now they're something extra special to the hubs and I. Check ours out!

There are more blessing moments to share, so stay tuned for updates!
~the Wifey