Punch Brothers: I've mentioned them before in this blog. Chris Thile (of Nickel Creek fame) heads up this band of bluegrass genius. They are virtuostic (is that a word?) in everything they play. Compositionally, conceptually, and just plain playabilitally (definitely not a word), they are leaps and bounds above a lot of music being made out there. We'll be (hopefully) seeing them in Lawrence, KS come October...also doubling as a visit to our good friend Megan!
Broken Social Scene: These guys are from Canada, isn't that a good enough explanation? I mean, a TON of great stuff has come out of Canada. Hockey, mounties, Michael J. Fox (seriously, there would be no 'Back to the Future' without MJF, and a world without BTTF is a world that I don't want to be a part of), the list really goes on and on. Add to that list this band. They have about 600 members or something...ok, not really, but there's a lot of people that get credit in the liner notes for this group. Just awesomely creative rock. I love stuff with a beat, with a rhythm, with something that grabs you by the throat and doesnt' let go...and they do it beautifully. We will (hopefully) be going to see them in August at LouFest...along with some other groovy bands.
Phoenix: They're pretty popular by now so I probably don't have to say much, but let me just say that the first time I saw them (on Saturday Night Live), I was overcome with poop-yourself excitement. They are that good. ***This is a big 'wish' of a concert. Tickets are like $45 a pop...which means that we are not going most likely...unless someone out there in blog land is just really really really nice and really giving. Just saying. ***
So there it is...a potential summer of music lovin'. Here's to hoping it all works out and that my lovely and I will be basking in these musician's sweet sweet melodies.
What's everyone else looking forward to this summer? Eh?
- The Hubs